KwaZulu Bulk Logistics cc

KwaZulu Bulk Logistics cc

About us


KwaZulu Bulk Logistics cc was established in 2004 by Mr Adheel Baniparsadh who is the sole Member of the close corporation. Adheel holds an Advanced Certificate in Road Transport from the Rand Afrikaans University. His experience dates back to his childhood when he used to help his father, Jay in his sand mining business called Adheel Sands cc. This experience gained at Adheel Sands prepared Adheel to take on the challenges of all the disciplines of services offered by KwaZulu Bulk Logistics.


KwaZulu Bulk Logistics was established with a single tipper truck providing transport and the supply of sand and quarry materials around KwaZulu Natal, after which it experienced major growth which resulted in the business acquiring more trucks and heavy duty plant.


The business has experienced significant growth, with some large organizations being a part of its client profile.


Over the years, we have established ourselves within KwaZulu Natal as a reputable and reliable supplier of quality sand and quarry materials, and have expanded our service offerings to include plant hire, bulk transport, mining, and civils and earthworks.


KwaZulu Bulk Logistics possesses the expertise and capacity to undertake bulk civils and earthworks contracts within South Africa, and being a business that boasts its own fleet of plant gives us a competitive edge in terms of pricing of contracts, while ensuring that quality and efficiency is of priority, leading to 100% customer satisfaction.





Our mission is to be recognized as a leader in our fields of operation through effective quality control, and the provision of an efficient fleet of plant and trucks in a manner which is safe for the environment, without harm to our people. Thus building the road to becoming one of the largest Plant Hire/Civil Engineering Contractors in KwaZulu Natal.